Monday, February 11, 2008

Neptune Rock City

I don't remember where I first heard of Nicole Atkins, but I first heard her doing a version of Leadbelly's Where Did You Sleep Last Night on YouTube. By her own admission (in the video), covering the song was a last minute move to fill space in the set, and you could tell. It was covered in exactly the same manner as Nirvana's famous cover (complete with screamed last verse) and the only thing that I took away from it was an appreciation for Atkins' truly amazing voice.

Since then, I've had a chance to listen to more of her stuff (both on my own and thanks to an appearance by Atkins on the Ron & Fez Show - XM 9am - 12pm PST).

I'm blown away. Her voice, as I've already said, is fantastic, a full, powerful alto that serves her very melodic sound well.

She describes her sound as "pop noir" and her MySpace page describes it as Psychedlic/Alternative/Folk Rock. I suppose either one could be appropriate, but her sound immediately reminded me of Ray Orbison's "pop aria" sound - especially on songs like Maybe Tonight and The Way It Is. The lyrics and melodies are darker (hence "noir", I guess) and imbued with a smoldering, but almost shy and romantic sexuality. Think a less cute Rilo Kiley.

Amazing stuff.

For the record - I've heard her stuff derided for being "over produced." I'll agree that it's highly produced, but I think it's a style that works.

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