Friday, March 21, 2008

be my PET?

I've had a recurring fantasy lately of strangling Avril Lavigne with one of her stupid neckties while playing be your own PET at full volume. Not enough to kill her - just enough to make her eyes tear up and smear her awful, trendy black eye-makeup down her face and realize how un-punk she really is.

Maybe I'll bring the boys from Good Charlotte in on this fantasy too. I'd love to take a pair of pliers to every piece of poseur jewelry those hacks have in their faces.

be your own PET is proof that punk made by teenagers doesn't have to sound like teen punk, or that most oxymoronically grating of appellations, pop-punk.

BYOP is led by an unfairly adorable Jemina Pearl Abegg, who's not quite jailbait young but looks the part. Still, she can pull off a Karen O/Brody Dalle scream that you really shouldn't have until you've lived hard for a few years. It's a voice that screams "fuck-me feminism," and makes you want to find a girl who bites when she kisses.

I loved their first, eponymous, album, and their new one (Get Awkward) is an even stronger follow up, with no signs of sellout. The songs are a little longer, but that's not a bad thing - they still clock in at punk-appropriate times.

Check 'em out.

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